Saturday, April 9, 2011

Boise, Idaho • September 19

During our trip on Saturday, we decided to retrace part of the trip the next day so we could take State Route 21 from Stanley to Boise. The road loops up north along the boarder of the Salmon-Challis National Forest and the Boise National Forest, crosses the Sawtooth Range, goes southwest through the Boise National Forest, and eventually winds up in the city of Boise. Designated as the Ponderosa Pine Scenic Byway, it offers a great adventure in driving! Soon after leaving Stanley, (elevation 6260') there is a 6% downward grade for 20 miles, and then you climb back up via hairpin curves to the Banner Summit (elevation 7056'). The road into Boise drops another 4300 feet. The forests between Stanley and Boise have been ravaged by forest fires and a pine bug blight. It seemed that 25% of the area was wiped out, but all in all, it was a very interesting drive.